

I know I'm supposed to pray, but I've always had this feeling that God must be too busy to bother with the little things I worry about. I suppose you won't agree with me, but why?


God isn’t like we are, limited and unable to concentrate on everything all at once. God is infinite and all-knowing; He is so great that He is able to be concerned about even the smallest detail of our lives!

That’s one reason why you can bring even your smallest problem to Him when you pray. He already knows about it — but He still wants us to bring our concerns to Him, because He wants us to depend on Him for the answer. Nothing is beyond His interest; if something is of concern to us, it is of concern to Him. One of my favorite Bible verses says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6).

But there is another reason why you can bring every concern to God in prayer: He loves you. Think of it: The Creator of the universe loves you! And because He loves you, He wants you to come to Him in prayer. Just as a father takes delight in the smallest request of his child, so God takes delight in our prayers.

How do I know God loves us and welcomes our prayers? I know it because He sent His only Son into the world to give His life for us. I invite you to respond to His love by asking Christ to come into your heart and giving your life to Him. Then thank Him every day for the privilege of coming to Him in prayer.