
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can we decide whether or not to change churches?

How can we decide whether or not to change churches? Our church has some good people in it, but we're not sure we like some of the programs, and we're also not sure we agree with some of the things the denomination stands for.

Scholars on TV cast doubt on some of the things we've always believed. Are they right?

We saw a program about Jesus the other night on television (it was sort of a documentary). It was interesting but it seemed to cast doubt on some of the things we've always believed. Some of the scholars they interviewed even claimed that the Bible's accounts about Jesus are wrong. Are they right?

Does God still expect us to keep the Ten Commandments?

Does God still expect us to keep the Ten Commandments? Aren't they a bit out of date, since they're thousands of years old and the world is so much different today?

Is it wrong to question God when things don't go the way I think they should?

Is it wrong to question God when things don't go the way I think they should? I really do believe in God, but sometimes it's hard for me to understand why He lets some things happen. Do I make God mad when I question Him?

What can we say to our daughter to stop her from marrying her selfish boyfriend?

Our daughter is about to make a stupid decision about getting married, and we don't know what to do. Her boyfriend is selfish and lazy and just using her, but she's very headstrong and refuses to listen to us. What can we say to her to make her wake up?

What does the Bible mean when it says that the devil believes in God?

What does the Bible mean when it says that the devil believes in God? Isn't that what we're supposed to do before we can go to heaven? But the devil's not going to heaven, is he?

Is it wrong to use our TV as a baby-sitter, to keep our children quiet?

I guess we've let our TV turn into a baby-sitter, to keep our children quiet. They fight so much that it's just easier to let them keep watching it. Do you think this is wrong?

Why should Christians help people with AIDS? Shouldn't people who sin have to pay a price?

I heard a preacher say the other day that Christians need to respond to the AIDS crisis by helping people with AIDS (especially in places like Africa). But why should we? Doesn't the Bible say that if people sin they have to pay a price?

I've been married three times. Does God reject me because I've ignored Him?

I've been married three times, and I'm thinking about doing it again with my current boyfriend, who moved in with me recently so we can see if it'll work out. Does this mean God won't have anything to do with me? I admit I've ignored Him, but I know I need to get right with Him before I die.

I try to pray and read my Bible before I go to bed, but usually I fall asleep. Should I just not bother?

I always try to pray and read my Bible before I go to bed, but half the time I fall asleep before I finish. Should I just not bother, since I'm not getting anything out of it anyway?

Our new pastor is kind of shy and not at all outgoing, which I think he ought to be.

Our new pastor is a very good preacher but he's kind of shy and not at all outgoing, and I think a preacher ought to be, don't you? Should I say something to him about it? Others feel the same way.

How should we respond to criticism? I admit I get angry and respond in ways I probably shouldn't.

How should we respond to criticism? I admit I get angry and respond in ways I probably shouldn't when people criticize me, but I don't know how to react any other way.