Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?
Getting God's Name Right
Getting God's Name Right
My Hope with Billy Graham presents Defining Moments in American Sign Language.
Olympic speed skater Cindy Klassen talks about faith, athletics, and what's next
If sometimes, like me, you long for a father who understands and knows your thoughts and your feelings, your needs and your deeds, your failures and your fruit, be encouraged! And thank God! You have one … your heavenly Father!
What can we learn from the prophet Habakkuk about how to respond to calamity?
Rob shares about the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associations Rapid Response Teams chaplains that came to offer emotional and spiritual support during the recent devastating flooding in High River, Alberta.
Mon espoir, avec Billy Graham constitue un effort d’évangélisation collectif à travers le Canada et les États-Unis.
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of flood victims in southern Alberta.
Man affected by flood in High River encouraged by Rapid Response Team chaplains.
YouVersion, the mobile app which crossed the 100 million download mark, has made the Bible available in more than 500 different versions and 300 languages, but it also features many devotional reading plans...
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada's Rapid Response Team Chaplain's speak about their ministry to those in need after the devastation of the Southern Alberta Floods of 2013.
Sharon shares about the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associations Rapid Response Teams chaplains that came to offer emotional and spiritual support during the recent Southern Alberta flooding.