Pray for Jerusalem
If Jerusalem is on the heart of God, shouldn't she be on your heart and mine? Would you join us in praying daily for the real peace of Jerusalem?
If Jerusalem is on the heart of God, shouldn't she be on your heart and mine? Would you join us in praying daily for the real peace of Jerusalem?
Billy Graham: "A return to the Bible would also give the inner peace and security that people are desperately looking for.
The Greater Toronto Festival of Hope's Executive Team Leader explains the significance of this evangelistic outreach in Canada's biggest and most ethnically diverse region.
How to survive when your situation seems hopeless.
The truth that our leaders' hearts are in the hands of the Lord shall be a stimulus to prayer, not a stimulus to a fatalistic attitude.
Also an ordained minister, J.B. strives to honor God on and off the TV screen. He talks about his faith journey.