

I'm in my 80s, and no one in my family has much to do with me anymore. I know they're busy and have families of their own but they don't even call. Recently, I've been thinking about leaving them out of my will and giving everything to charity. Would that be wrong?


Over the years, I’ve come to believe that we ought to seek God’s will about the way our money will be used after our deaths, just as much as we do while we’re living.

After all, everything we have in the way of material goods has been given to us by God; we can’t claim any credit for them, nor should we act as if they belong to us. They are actually on loan to us, and we are called to be good stewards or trustees of them—both now, and after our deaths. The Bible says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father” (James 1:17). This includes everything God gives us—material, spiritual, emotional, social and so forth.

Ask God to guide you as you make decisions about your will. He knows what is best, and He knows too whether or not you should make any changes. Don’t make decisions out of spite or anger, however, and think too about ways you might use some of your money to influence your relatives in a healthy way (such as helping your grandchildren with college).

The most important thing I can urge you to do, however, is to be sure of your salvation. Someday soon you will pass into eternity—but are you ready for that day? Make sure by trusting Christ alone for your salvation and turning your life over to Him. Then urge your relatives to turn to Christ as well.