

We're concerned because we found our son (who's 14) accessing a porn site on the Internet the other day. We gave him a strong lecture and I don't think he'll do it again, but why do they allow such things on the Internet? We were shocked.


Like plenty of other inventions, the Internet has both a good and a bad side to it. On the good side, for example, the Internet has become a powerful tool for preaching the Gospel; every year thousands of people across the world commit their lives to Christ through our website (

The bad side, however, is that the Internet also can be used for great evil. Pornography … financial scams … promoting terrorism and anti-Christian beliefs … these and countless other evils deceive millions through the Internet and lure them into ways of living that can ultimately destroy them. Young people today especially are vulnerable to its snares, and parents must be very alert to this danger. Jesus warned, “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13).

You were wise to let your son know you disapproved of what he did. However, don’t assume one lecture is enough. He may be facing great pressure from others his age, and you should monitor his computer usage and even find ways to block objectionable sites. Beyond that, however, help him understand that pornography is wrong because it corrupts God’s wondrous gift of love.

The most important thing you can do for your son is to encourage him to give his life to Jesus Christ. He’ll face many pressures and temptations in coming years, but with Christ’s help he’ll be able to resist them and become the young man God wants him to be.

Do you struggle with pornography? God can offer you peace.