
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why are some people so critical and judgmental?

Why are some people so critical and judgmental? Almost every time my neighbor comes over she cuts down other people and goes on and on about their faults. I've wondered what she must be saying about us behind our backs. Should I just ignore her?

How did the writers of the Bible know about things that were going to happen hundreds or even thousands of years later?

How did the writers of the Bible know about things that were going to happen hundreds or even thousands of years later? I admit I have a hard time thinking the Bible has much use to us today.

If Christianity is true, then why are most of the so-called “Christians” I know hypocrites?

If Christianity is true, then why are most of the so-called "Christians" I know hypocrites? I'd rather be a complete unbeliever (which is what I am) than someone who claims to be a Christian but doesn't act like it. At least I try to be a good person, and they don't.

Should the church re-brand Christianity to make it more acceptable?

I am a marketing major studying branding. The Bible study I also attend says that the church needs to rebrand Christianity to make it more acceptable to the culture. Is this Biblical, and if not, how can we counter the trend?

Has God given up on me?

My grandmother says God never gives up on anyone, but she's wrong. God gave up on me long ago, and nothing will ever change that. And frankly, I don't really care.

Newlyweds should make Christ the foundation of marriage

My fiancé and I are getting married in a couple of months, and we're really looking forward to our lives together. But so many of our friends have already been through at least one divorce, and we don't want that to happen to us. How can we prevent it?

The Truth of Jesus casts out doubt

If Christianity is true, then why doesn't everybody believe it? I think the reason is because we can't really know anything about God, and one person's ideas about God are just as good as someone else's.

I’m a Christian headed to college soon and I am scared of how i’ll be treated; any advice?

I'm headed to college shortly, and I admit I feel lonely and scared. I've heard all sorts of things about the way people who take Jesus seriously are ignored or even mocked in college, and I wonder what I'm getting into. Do you have any advice for me?

I’m beginning to think that getting married was a mistake. We’ve been married less than a year and all we do is argue—usually over little things that don’t really matter. What’s happened to us?

I'm beginning to think that getting married was a mistake. We've been married less than a year and all we do is argue—usually over little things that don't really matter. What's happened to us?

Time moves so fast that there is little chance to rest from one activity before having to prepare for another, with no time for reflection. Is chasing time a normal cycle of life?

Time moves so fast that there is little chance to rest from one activity before having to prepare for another, with no time for reflection. Is chasing time a normal cycle of life?

Several months ago I was convinced God wanted me to quit my old job and take a different one, but it hasn’t worked out. In fact, I just got fired from my new one. Where did I go wrong? Or did God change His mind?

Several months ago I was convinced God wanted me to quit my old job and take a different one, but it hasn't worked out. In fact, I just got fired from my new one. Where did I go wrong? Or did God change His mind?

I’ve always had physical problems that limit my ability to walk or do most of the things that normal people do. As a result I have very few friends, and sometimes I wish I’d never been born. Why did God let this happen to me? Does God hate me?

I've always had physical problems that limit my ability to walk or do most of the things that normal people do. As a result I have very few friends, and sometimes I wish I'd never been born. Why did God let this happen to me? Does God hate me?