Dear Friend,
The past few months have been a time of incredibly fruitful ministry across multiple continents. God has done “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV), and I thank the Lord for friends like you.
I pray you will be encouraged to see how your gifts are impacting eternity and souls are being saved.

I recently returned from the Look Up Tour in Idaho Falls. During the two-day outreach, I offered Gospel-centered messages about the hope found in Jesus Christ and how we can come to Him in repentance.
More than 585 men, women, and children responded to God’s free gift of salvation. Among those was a 15-year-old exchange student from Spain named Olivia.* Her host family has been bringing her to church with them, and Olivia knew a bit of the Bible. As I preached from John 3 about finding your purpose in Jesus, her heart was softened and the truth of Scripture became clear to her. She rushed forward at the invitation and embraced Christ as Savior.
But that wasn’t the end of the story! Olivia had invited Pravat,* a friend and fellow exchange student from Thailand, to attend with her, and he placed his eternal hope in Jesus as well. “This is the best day of my entire life,” he beamed to his friends. Pravat immediately downloaded a Bible app on to his phone and has since immersed himself in the Word. “He’s very eager to learn everything about Jesus,” Olivia’s host mother shared.
Just one week before the Look Up Tour in Idaho Falls, I was in the Brazilian city of Curitiba. The vast and sprawling urban center—known for its beautiful gardens and parks—is built atop a plateau some 3,000 feet above sea level. With a population of 1.9 million (3.7 million across the metropolitan area), it’s the ninth largest city in Brazil.
I can’t begin to explain the vibrant atmosphere inside the covered rodeo arena where I preached at the one-day Esperança Curitiba (Hope Curitiba) outreach. Long before the event began, people were festively singing, waving flags, and doing choreographed cheers in the stands. When the worship started, it was clear that the Holy Spirit was moving in that place.

As I took the stage, I quickly focused on the cross of Jesus Christ, sharing how the overflow crowd of more than 17,000 could have a relationship with Him. Nearly 1,000 people walked forward in repentance to make a commitment to Jesus Christ.

Felipe,* a well-spoken and thoughtful teenager, was one of those who responded. Though many around him were crying during the emotional moment, Felipe looked peaceful and content, like a lost man who had found his way home.
“Before, I felt like my head was a blank sheet of paper. There was something missing,” said Felipe, pausing to collect his thoughts and choosing his words carefully. “Now I am feeling that I am starting to write my whole story again. Yesterday, I felt lost. God really touched my heart during the service.”
I just returned from British Columbia, Canada, where we held the Thompson-Okanagan Region Look Up Tour.

Though many consider this one of the most beautiful areas of Canada, its splendor cannot meet people’s deepest needs. This region is desperate for the hope of Christ. We praise God that more than 2,700 people in three communities there heard the Good News that “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, ESV).
As I’ve been busy across North and South America, my father, Franklin Graham, has been sharing the hope of Christ in Europe. He recently held the Festival of Hope in Essen, Germany, confronting an increasingly secular culture with the truth of God’s Word, and hundreds placed their faith and hope in Jesus Christ.
In a few weeks, he will preach in Rome, Italy, during the Noi Festival. Later that month, I’ll have the opportunity to share the Good News in Budapest, Hungary, as the evangelical churches mark the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism there.
Would you join me in praying that many in Rome and Budapest would repent of their sins and come to salvation in Christ?
Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (ESV). I was reminded of that truth recently when I had the chance to visit Perry, Florida, which had been devastated by Hurricane Idalia. Though it’s been more than a month since the storm came ashore, the impact is still being felt across the region.
Crisis-trained Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains are still working in the area to help residents recover and find a “new normal.” The team has ministered to more than 1,500 people, and many have found eternal hope in Christ in the midst of today’s sorrow.
My friends, God is moving and working today. Despite the turmoil around us, He is drawing many to Himself in repentance and faith. I’ve been blessed to have a front-row seat to watch as the Holy Spirit softens hearts and calls souls, but it wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you for your faithfulness, your support, and—most of all—your prayers.
God bless you,
Will Graham
Executive Vice President
*Names changed to protect privacy
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