Proclaiming God’s Love to a Hurting World

Dear Friend,

Hope is in short supply in our world today. People search for it in money, fame, or power, and they try to fill the void in their lives with possessions or relationships.

God’s Word is clear, however. Real hope doesn’t come from the things of this world but from being fully surrendered to Jesus Christ. In Romans 15:13, Paul wrote, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (NKJV).

Through your prayers and sacrificial support, we’re proclaiming the Good News in the United States and around the world. Thank you for coming alongside us in this eternally important mission—we couldn’t do this without you.



I’ve just returned from Portugal, where I had the blessing of preaching the Gospel at the Celebration of Hope (Celebração da Esperança) in Porto. This historic coastal city is a sight to behold, with centuries-old buildings and iconic cobblestone roads.

It’s a very religious city, and 80% of the population registers as Catholic (at least nominally so). At the one-night event on April 26, I shared that religion cannot save you. It may give you some comfort for a moment, but it can’t offer the eternal joy and peace that comes from personally knowing the Savior Jesus Christ.

More than 6,100 people filled the arena, and many huddled outside in the rain in an overflow section as they watched on a large screen. At the invitation to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, over 480 prayerfully surrendered their lives to Him. Among them was Andreza, who was filled with joy after responding to the Gospel. “Jesus means everything to me. He is the strength, the life, the salvation, the foundation, the companion, the friend, the shield,” she beamed. “From today on, a lot of things will change in my life, because after what I felt here, there’s no way I can continue to be the same person.”

In addition to those in the arena, there were more than 16,000 views of the event online, with over 230 people indicating a decision for Jesus.

Please join me in praying for each of those who—like Andreza—responded in faith and placed their eternities into the loving hands of the Savior.

I would also appreciate your prayers as I look ahead to the Gold Coast Look Up Celebration in Australia on June 29. We’ve seen incredible ministry in Australia throughout the history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, including my grandfather’s historic 1959 campaign across the country and my father’s six-city tour in 2019. Will you join us in praying, “Do it again, Lord,” in 2024?

AS 6,170 PACKED PORTO’S SUPER BOCK ARENA, more than 480 responded to the Gospel and surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ.



As you know, my father has already held outreaches this year in Mexico City, Mexico, in 10 cities along the southern U.S. border, and in Kraków, Poland. In a matter of weeks, he will continue his yearslong effort to reach the United Kingdom as he brings the God Loves You Tour U.K. to Birmingham, England, on June 15 and Glasgow, Scotland, on June 22.

As we’ve worked in these two cities, we’ve found churches that are passionate about Jesus and a culture that is desperate for the hope and truth that the Gospel provides. Combined, more than 650 churches have been represented at pre-event gatherings—including training classes where nearly 2,600 local Christians have been equipped to share their faith.

We believe God is setting the stage to do something big in the U.K., and we need your prayers as we proclaim the Good News of Jesus—“the way, the truth, and the life”—who said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6, NKJV).


There is hope—in this life and for eternity. It’s not found in this world, however. Indeed, recent events have shown us how quickly the temporary pleasures and material treasures of life can be stripped away. Rather, it’s found in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, and it’s our honor to carry that message around the globe. None of this would be possible without your prayers and support. Lives are being changed for eternity, and people are finding true and everlasting hope, thanks to you.

May God bless you and your family,

Will Graham
Executive Vice President