Whether maneuvering COVID-19 restrictions, a serious illness or natural disaster, some people simply remain peaceful—in all circumstances.
Others wonder how that’s even possible. After all, many of us experience anxiety and fear when our world is shaken.
It’s possible to have that kind of assurance—to know you’ll be OK when the storms stop churning. Philippians 4:7 says, “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
You’ll need to be intentional, however, to spend daily time with God. This “quiet time” with Him will ground you, calm you and give you peace.
Charlie Riggs, former director of counseling and follow-up with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, noted 15 helpful ways to spend time with God.
- Make quiet time a daily habit, but don’t get discouraged if you occasionally miss a day or two. You wouldn’t quit eating if you missed breakfast.
- Find a quiet place without distraction where you can concentrate. Jesus went to a solitary place to pray (Mark 1:35).
- Be alone as often as possible and lock in with God. Remember, He is seeking you to worship. What an awesome privilege to meet daily with the living God. Let His Word speak and be quick and powerful and penetrating (Hebrews 4:12).
- Have a plan for both Bible study and prayer. Know what you want to do. Otherwise your mind can easily wander and time will be wasted.
- Secure a good study Bible with notes and commentary. Ask friends or someone at the Bible bookstore to help you in your selection.
- Secure good marking pens and don’t be afraid to mark your Bible.
- The whole Bible is important but if you are a new Christian, or don’t have a lot of time to read, spend most of your time within the New Testament. Start with Mark and endeavor to read a chapter a day. Underline or circle key words or thoughts. Mark key verses with a colored marking pen. Marking verses makes them easier to find and share.
- A Christian leader who meant a lot to me when I was getting started had a unique way to master a book. He would read Philippians through in its entirety every day for a month (104 verses). As he read, he would mark. It wasn’t long before certain verses would stand out like mountain peaks. The book opened up to him like a flower and he could readily turn to any of the four chapters and share truth.
- Proverbs is an excellent book to read and mark. In the book are priceless gems of truth that should help especially in relationships. Psalms is another excellent book to read and mark. It will enhance your relationship with God.
- Many of the verses that you mark should be written on 3 x 5 cards and memorized. Carry the cards with you and review the verses as you sit in doctors’ offices, waiting for friends or at odd moments of the day that could be wasted.
- Use your memory verses as a part of your daily devotional time. Often, when I read chapters that don’t have a lot of challenge, I review verses that speak to me.
- Spend a few moments praising and thanking God (Psalm 69:30–31).
- Search your heart and confess any wrongdoing. Keep your conscience clear (1 John 9–10; Proverbs 28:13).
- Spend a little time in intercessory prayer. Some of the people on your list need the Savior. Others might be family members and friends in need. Make a priority list. Some people you will pray for every day and others once a week, etc. Pray for yourself. What do you want Him to do in and through your own life?
- You may not feel like praying, but pray anyway. If you don’t seem to have a burden for prayer, spend your time praising God for who He is and thank Him for all He has done.
Charlie Riggs (1916-2008) worked for the Navigators before joining BGEA in 1954, eventually serving as director of counseling and follow-up from 1957-88 while also serving as Crusade director for many meetings. At his passing, it was said that he had taught more people how to share their faith in Christ than anyone who had ever lived.
Have you asked Christ into your heart? Pray now.
>>Find more practical tips for spending time with God.
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