非常期待您能參加葛培理佈道團4月6日的華人福音大會,我們真心為您的參與禱告。這次大會邀請了全球知名的講員來分享,屆時將有精彩的現場敬拜、以及弟兄姊妹主內相交的美好時光。 我們相信這次大會將會是充滿激勵與祝福的盛會。
地點:大溫哥華聖道堂Evangelical Chinese Bible Church, 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby, BC
- 大會將提供英語、國語和粵語同聲翻譯
- 入場時會提供電話號碼,參與者可以用手機撥打,選擇對應語言以聆聽同聲翻譯內容
- 需要聽取同聲翻譯的與會人員必須攜帶以下物品
- o 一部智慧型手機
- o 可以與您手機連結的個人耳機
*請確保您的設備提前充滿電。 儘管現場有電源插座,但可能不夠用,強烈建議您攜帶行動電源以備不時之需。
8:15AM 入場登記 – (提供咖啡、茶和點心)
9:00AM 第1節 – 勇於傳揚神的大能福音 (李明安牧師/博士)
10:05AM 第2節 – 跨文化的佈道活動 (林鎮平牧師)
10:50AM 休息 – (提供咖啡、茶和點心)
11:05AM 第3 節 – 跨世代的事工與傳承 (崔皓明牧師/博士)
12:05PM 午餐 – (為所有參與者提供)
1:30PM 第4 節 – 在後現代社會中讓佈道事工煥發新生 (謝木水牧師/博士)
2:35PM 第5 節 – 福音的大能 (葛衛理牧師)
3:35PM 聖餐與禱告
4:15PM 結束崇拜
- 大會提供餐飲嗎? 是的,我們會為所有參與者提供午餐和茶點餐點,包括茶、咖啡和熱水。 請注意,會堂內不允許帶入食物和飲料。
- 會提供兒童看護服務嗎? 很遺憾,本次大會無法提供兒童看護服務。
- 大會有直播嗎? 本次大會為現場活動,不提供直播或錄影,也不允許非官方錄影(音)或直播。
- 大會場地是否有停車位? 是的,但請注意停車位有限,我們建議盡量共乘。
- 活動現場收取奉獻嗎? 是的,活動中會安排一個奉獻時間,您可以透過支票、現金或電子支付來奉獻愛心,支持我們的華語網路宣教事工。
- 葛衛理牧師葛培理佈道團執行副總裁及傳道人 – 北卡羅來納州夏洛特市
- 崔皓明牧師/博士城北華人基督教會主領牧師 – 安省多倫多
- 李明安牧師/博士 馬來西亞聖經神學院研究學者 – 馬來西亞
- 謝木水牧師/博士 新加坡神學院院長 – 新加坡
- 林鎮平牧師 中華福音神學院溫哥華學區執行董事 – 溫哥華
- 王子銘福音歌手和敬拜帶領者
講題: 福音的大能
“威廉.富蘭克林.葛禮翰四世 (葛衛理) 是比利.葛禮翰 (葛培理) 的孫子和富蘭克林·葛禮翰 (葛福臨) 的長子,也是家中在葛培理佈道團旗下傳福音的第三代。自2006年開展其佈道事工以來,葛衛理已經在六大洲向超過一百萬人分享了福音訊息。
2018年,他在環球影業的傳記片《堅不可摧:救贖之路》(關於奧運選手和二戰英雄路易斯.讚佩里尼的故事) 中扮演了自己的祖父。同年,其第一本書名為《被救贖的:靈裡渴慕者的靈修書》由托馬斯.尼爾森出版社出版,書中講述了與上帝建立關係帶來改變生命的力量。以該書為基礎的DVD查經教材(和配套書籍)於2019年5月發行。
葛衛理和他的妻子康德拉Kendra育有兩女 – 克里斯汀簡Christine Jane (CJ) 和蕾切爾奧斯汀Rachel Austin,以及一個兒子威廉.富蘭克林.葛禮翰五世 (奎因Quinn)。”
講題: 跨世代的事工與傳承
講題: 勇於傳揚神的大能福音
李牧師於1983年在馬來西亞聖經神學院取得神學學士學位,1988年於印尼的東南亞神學院取得聖經研究碩士學位,又於 1994 在新加坡的東南亞神學研究院取得神學碩士學位,並於2011在美國德克薩斯州福和市Fort Worth的西南浸信會神學院完成哲學博士學位 (主修宣教及副修佈道學学) 。
1984年李牧師開始牧養教會事奉,前後在金馬崙福音堂、吉隆坡福音堂和美國德州華人教會牧養約七年 。2008年,他在美國德克薩斯州布蘭諾懷恩浸信教會被按立為牧師。1990年開始於馬來西亞聖經神學院事奉達33年,於2015年2月28日就任第五任院長,並於2019年續任院長職務。李牧師於2022年終完成8年院長職務交棒後,擔任馬聖研究學者兼講師。目前在其母校美國德州福和市西南浸信會神學院進行安息年研究和寫作。
李牧師與溫紹珍傳道結為連理,育有兩子 (Jonathan和David) 和一女 (Grace)。主賜給他兩位虔誠的兒媳 (Stephanie和Samantha),以及六個可愛的孫子孫女 (Nathan、Adilynn、Daniel、Brayden、Caleb和Gemma)。
講題: 在後現代社會中讓佈道事工煥發新生
謝牧師於2008年加入新加坡聖經學院並擔任系統神學教授,隨後於2010年被任命為該校中文神學院主任。 2016年他就任第七任院長。謝牧師立志一生服事神、為教會教導神學、並致力於社會關懷事工。在過去的20年間,他一直嘗試教導聖經的世界觀,並寫了很多文章,探討令人擔憂的教會問題和社會現實。
講題: 跨文化的佈道活動
王子銘是一位基督教音樂歌手和敬拜帶領者,曾與許多亞洲知名的基督教機構合作,如好消息電視台和歐讚音樂。他非常感恩能夠用自己的聲音和音樂才能事奉神,曾經與有情天音樂、我心旋律和矽谷生命河靈糧堂等知名作曲家合作,為全球華人社群製作基督教敬拜專輯。王子銘陸續在台灣的新店行道會、火把行道會和加拿大列治文的Thrive Church中擔任領導職務超過二十年,他熱衷於在教會事工和敬拜中服事上帝和祂的百姓。目前,他在加拿大卑詩省的白石門諾會教會擔任實習牧師,致力於在屬靈方面引導和帶領該社區的民眾。
Important information about the Chinese Evangelism Conference on April 6th
We are excited about the upcoming Chinese Evangelism Conference happening on April 6th and we are so glad you’ll be joining us! We are praying for you, believing this event will be a great encouragement to you as we enjoy live worship, world class speakers from 4 countries and times of fellowship together.
If for some reason you are unable to attend, please let us know so we can make room for others.
Event Date:Saturday, April 6th 9:00am-4:30pm
Location:Evangelical Chinese Bible Church- 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby, BC
- Translation will be available in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
- A phone number will be provided for participants to call to hear event in their language of choice.
- – Conference participants wishing to access one of these translations, must come prepared with the following:
- o A mobile device
- o Personal earphones
*It is important that mobile devices are fully charged. Participants should come prepared with their personal charging cords and adaptors, but also keep in mind that most people will not be seated near an electrical outlet. With that in mind, we suggest you bring a battery pack to keep your phone charged as needed.
8:15AM Doors Open – (Coffee, Tea and refreshments served)
9:00AM Session 1 – Not Ashamed of the Powerful Gospel of God (Rev. Dr. Lee Mee Onn)
10:05AM Session 2 – Cross-Culture Evangelism (Rev. James Lin)
10:50AM BREAK – (Coffee, Tea and refreshments served)
11:05AM Session 3 – Intergenerational Ministry & Succession (Rev. Dr. Ho Ming Tsui)
12:05PM LUNCH – (Provided for all Participants)
1:30PM Session 4 – Reviving Evangelism in the Postmodern World (Rev. Dr. Clement Mook-Soo Chia)
2:35PM Session 5 – The Power of The Gospel (Rev. Will Graham)
3:35PM Communion & Prayer
4:15PM Closing Worship
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will food be provided? Yes, food and beverages & hot water will be provided for all participants, including during break and lunch. Please note however, that refreshments of any kind are not permitted in the sanctuary or chapel.
- Will Childcare be available? We are unable to provide childcare for this conference.
- Will this event be Livestreamed? This event is an in-person event. No unofficial recording or streaming of the event is permitted.
- Is there parking onsite? Yes. Please note however, that parking is limited. We encourage you to carpool if possible.
- Will I have an opportunity to give at this event? Yes. An opportunity to give towards our Chinese Internet Ministry will be made available during the event.
- Rev. Will GrahamExecutive Vice President and Evangelist – BGEA – Charlotte, NC
- Rev. Dr. Ho-Ming TsuiLead Pastor- Richmond Hill Christian Community Church – Toronto, ON
- Rev. Dr. Lee Mee Onn Research Scholar of Malaysia Bible Seminary – Malaysia
- Rev. Dr. Clement Mook-Soo Chia Principal – Singapore Bible College – Singapore
- Rev. James Lin Executive Director – Chinese Evangelical Seminary Vancouver Campus – Vancouver
- Silas Wang Music Singer and Worship Leader
God bless and we will see you on April 6th!
BGEA Canada Team
Special Guests
Will Graham
Speaking Topic: The Power of the Gospel
William Franklin Graham IV (Will) is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The grandson of Billy Graham and the oldest son of Franklin Graham, Will has shared the hope of Jesus with more than one million people across six continents since beginning his evangelistic ministry in 2006.
“I’m not trying to be the next Billy Graham; I’m just Will Graham,” says the ordained
minister. “I have a burden in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If that’s to an
arena full of people or one person on the street, I will do whatever God is calling me to do.”
In addition to his evangelistic outreaches, Will serves as Executive Vice President of the
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, giving leadership to all aspects of the organization
that his grandfather founded in 1950.
In 2018, Will portrayed his grandfather in the Universal Studios biopic Unbroken: Path to
Redemption (about Olympian and World War II hero Louis Zamperini). Also in 2018, Will’s
first book—a devotional titled Redeemed: Devotions for a Longing Soul—was published
by Thomas Nelson, featuring stories centered on the life-changing power of a relationship
with God. A DVD Bible study curriculum (and accompanying book) based on Redeemed
was released in May 2019.
Will graduated from Liberty University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Religion and in 2001 graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a
Master of Divinity degree.
Will and his wife, Kendra, have two daughters, Christine Jane (CJ) and Rachel Austin, and a
son, William Franklin Graham V (Quinn).
Rev. Dr. Ho-Ming Tsui
Speaking Topic: Intergenerational Ministry & Succession
Ho-Ming is the Lead Pastor of Richmond Hill Christian Community Church, a multi-generational, multi-lingual church just outside of Toronto. He completed his undergraduate degree at Queen’s University, and went onto graduate studies at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston. Ho-Ming speaks frequently at conferences in Toronto and has traveled to Asia, Europe and Africa to teach as well. He is an avid guitarist and loves all things sci-fi. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Katie, they have three children.
Rev. Dr. Lee Mee Onn
Speaking Topic: Not Ashamed of the Powerful Gospel of God
Rev. Lee obtained a Bachelor in Theology from Malaysia Bible Seminary in 1983, a Master in Biblical Studies from Southeast Asia Bible Seminary in Indonesia in 1988, a Master of Theology from Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology, Singapore in 1994 and a Ph. D. in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2011.
Rev. Lee involved in pastoral ministry from 1984 to 1990 before joining Malaysia Bible Seminary as full-time faculty for 33 years. He was ordained as minister in Grace Chinese Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, USA in 2008.
He is installed as the 5th principal on Malaysia Bible Seminary on Feb. 28, 2015 and extended the tenure for second term in 2019. He has passed on the responsibility of the Principal at the end of 2022 to become the Research Scholar cum teaching responsibility in Malaysia Bible Seminary. He is having a year for sabbatical leave to do research and writing in his Alma-mater, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
Rev. Lee is married with Pr. Monica Wan and blessed with two sons (Jonathan & David) and a daughter (Grace). The Lord blesses him with two godly daughters-in-law (Stephanie & Samantha) and six wonderful grand-children (Nathan, Adilynn, Daniel, Brayden, Caleb and Gemma).
He teaches courses in Missions, Studies of Heresies Church History, Homiletics and Denominational Polity.
His interest includes traveling, singing, reading, swimming, fishing, table-tennis and gardening.
Rev. Lee travel extensively to various countries for preaching and teaching ministry.
Rev. Dr. Clement Mook-Soo Chia
Speaking Topic: Reviving Evangelism in the Postmodern World
Rev. Dr. Clement Chia joined Singapore Bible College as Professor of Systematic Theology in 2008 and was appointed Dean of the School of Theology (Chinese) in 2010, and later inaugurated as the 7th Principal in 2016. He is determined to spend his life as a servant of Christ, a theologian for the church, and a carer of society. For the past twenty years, he has been practicing and teaching through the lens of a biblical worldview and writing about issues of concern to the church issues and social realities.
Rev. James Lin
Speaking Topic: Cross Cultural Evangelism
Rev. James Lin is the Executive Director of the Vancouver campus of the China Evangelical Seminary. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Taiwan University and a Master of Divinity from China Evangelical Seminary. He also studied at Peking University in the Master of Religious Philosophy program and is a Doctor of Ministry candidate at China Evangelical Seminary.
For 35 years, Rev. Lin has been serving God through pastor, missionary work and evangelism in Taiwan, South Korea, China, and North America. After moving to Vancouver, Canada, he has been involved in church planting, pastoral care, and local missionary work. He has also served at the Vancouver campus of China Evangelical Seminary over the last 20 years, dedicating himself fully to theological education. Through this work, he has nurtured many Chinese-speaking ministers and missionaries in North America.
Silas Wang
Silas Wang is a devoted Christian music singer and worship leader who has done many collaborations with well-known Christian organizations in Asia, such as Good TV and OMNI group. He considers it a privilege to use his voice and musical talent to work with other acclaimed composers like Heaventunes International, Melody of My Heart and ROLCC in producing Christian Worship albums for Chinese communities around the world. With over twenty years of leadership roles at Xindian Covenant Church, Torch Covenant Church in Taiwan, and Thrive Church in Richmond, BC, Silas has a passion to serve God and His people in church ministry and worship. Presently, he serves as an intern pastor at White Rock Mennonite Church in BC, Canada, furthering his commitment to spiritual guidance and leadership within the community.