“When tragedy strikes, no one is fully prepared to deal effectively with all the responsibilities, emotional trauma, and grief that begin to impact people. Our Rapid Response Team exists so that people can find the care and comfort of Jesus Christ in the midst of tragedy.”
– Billy Graham
Ministering to emotionally and spiritually hurting people across Canada
While many relief agencies respond to necessary physical needs after a disaster, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Rapid Response Team (RRT) chaplains come along side to minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of hurting people. They encourage and pray with people in distress, including victims and first-responders. BGEAC chaplains are specially trained volunteers who can respond to community-wide disasters or personal crises-serving as the hands and feet of Jesus to those who wonder where God is in the midst of their troubles.
For more information on our RRT ministry, please call 1-800-293-3717 or email [email protected].