
Find in-depth feature articles and news about various BGEAC ministries, disaster outreach efforts and special events.


Billy Graham’s Easter Message: Power of the Risen Christ

People around the world are looking to politics, science and education for the solution to life’s problems, and not to Jesus Christ.


The Heresy of Twisting the Gospel

Pastor and church planter Mez McConnell has seen false gospels firsthand. In this article, he explains why we must be absolutely clear about the message we proclaim.


Dangerous Ground: Distorting the Gospel In Order to Fit In

No one wants to be hated, but the Bible is clear that it will happen when we seek to follow Christ. How should we respond?


My Journey from Addiction to Freedom

Bob Bevington struggled for years with the chains of pornography—until he found freedom in the Person of Christ.


Christ the Victor



Could You Describe Your Worldview?

In order to withstand the trials and storms of today, we must have a biblically grounded understanding of life.


Do-Or-Die Prayer

DECISION MAGAZINE: No man is greater than his prayer life.


God Will Fix This in the End

A glorious future awaits His redeemed - full of joy, free from evil


A Classic Billy Graham Message: In the World, But Not of It

Billy Graham talks about the primary responsibility of a Christian.


Joe Gibbs’ Journey with God

The legendary coach and NASCAR owner trusts the Lord through the highs and lows of life.


Will Graham in China: Honoring 100th Anniversary of Great-Grandfather, Nelson Bell

Will Graham returns to birthplace of his grandmother, Ruth Bell Graham, in China to preach the Good News.


3 Paths, 1 Gospel: Online Ministry Reaches People Where They Are

In the past five years, BGEA’s Search for Jesus ministry has reached over 39 million people with the Gospel through evangelistic websites and one-on-one online connections.